519 - 624 - 4001
519 - 624 - 4001
Here at Grandview Massage Therapy, we aim to solve health problems instead of ‘maintaining’ them. Massage Therapy can be relaxing, but that is not our primary goal.
Registered Massage Therapists are regulated health care professionals that are trained to assess and treat, give homecare advice and refer to other professionals when needed. You can trust us to fix you or help you find someone who can. We are now in our 15th year of business and have worked very hard to establish this reputation. At Grandview Massage Therapy, you are in good and kind hands.
The Grandview Medical Centre
167 Hespeler Road,
Cambridge, ON
N1R 3H7
Enter the Grandview Medical Centre from the parking lot at the rear of the building - take the elevator on the left to the lower level.
519 - 624 - 4001
Fax: 519-621-8118
Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 9am - 8pm
​​Saturday: 9am - 3pm ​
Sunday: Closed
Massage therapy is based on Swedish massage techniques. It is the manipulation of soft tissue to decrease hypertonicity or muscle tension.
The treatment also:
improves local blood circulation
decreases scar tissue and adhesions
improve flexibility
RMT's use Swedish massage for many conditions such as:
repetitive strain
carpal tunnel
symptomatic relief from many chronic conditions.

We direct bill:
There are many companies that we direct bill. These are some of the main ones.
If your company is not listed, call us and we can help you out.
If your insurance company is not listed at all, then you pay and submit to the insurance company, and they will reimburse you.